Gallery 2017

Spring Buzz – Corporate Volunteer’s Day

The goal of the “Spring Buzz – A Day to Make it Happen” Volunteers’s Day on 20th May, was to improve on surroundings of two children’s institutes in Budapest (Cseppkő Gyermekotthoni Központ and Bólyai Gyermekotthonok Hűvösvölgyi Gyermekotthona). More than 120 volunteers, employees of AmCham member companies (Avis Budget Group, Exxon BSC, Lexmark Hungary, MAPI, NCR Hungary, Tata Consultancy, Urmet), students from BME Kéttannyelvű Gimnázium, and social workers of the two childrens’ institutes spent their day to improve the environment where the disadvantaged children are fostered and educated.

For more picture please visit our FB page: Photos