Category Archives: Slider

AmCham Foundation: 2021 So Far

Since 1989, the AmCham Foundation has supported thousands of children in Hungary, giving them a hope for a better future and an opportunity to chase their dreams. However, like everywhere else, the last two years have posed an incredible challenge … Continue reading

AmCham Foundation supports the digital education of three educational institutions with 1.5 million HUF

The AmCham Foundation supports three educational institutions foundation with HUF 1.5 million, helping their students to participate in distance learning by purchasing the necessary digital devices. The coronavirus pandemic still afflicts Hungary and its schools and students. We know how … Continue reading

Join the AmCham Foundation’s Charity Drive to help children in foster homes with their digital education

Dear Friends, I hope this letter finds you well. We are writing this letter to you because the AmCham Foundation has launched a new campaign on the Adjukössze charity portal and we would like to ask for your support. Due to the … Continue reading

Equal chance in distance learning!

Yes! I would like to participate! With your donation, you can help children in foster homes to receive essential tools to provide a proper level of education. Help to make distance learning accessible to all. The restrictions caused by the … Continue reading

3.5 million HUF ACF support for two children’s hospitals

The COVID-19 outbreak is having a massive impact on our society, economy and put an enormous financial and mental burden on our hospitals, doctors, nurses, paramedics and caregivers. These professionals sacrifice a lot by working on the front lines every day, treating people in extreme circumstances under a high risk of infection. We … Continue reading