Recreational and sports garden for the Kindergarten and Elementary School for Visually Impaired Children’s “Szól a szív…” Foundation

The „Szól a szív…” Foundation has been collecting funds by organizing charity events since 2014, in order to establish a recreational and sports garden for blind children. Renowned artist supported this goal by giving charity concerts, but other resources were needed as well, so – joining their call – the AmCham Foundation also launched a fundraising among AmCham members to assist the creation of the sports and development garden.

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Two member enterprises supported the establishment of the recreational and sports garden with a large sum of donation and volunteer work.

Thank you Dow Hungary Kft. and ExxonMobil BSC Hungary!

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The 2nd of June 2016, the first phase of the recreational and sports garden was handed over to the Kindergarten, Elementary, Special Vocational and Boarding School for Visually Impaired Children (1146 Budapest, Ajtósi Dürer Sor 39.) at the Palatine Hall, and later at the school yard.

The children of the institution took possession of the development and sports equipment with great joy.

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