ACF jubilee tree-planting

One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time!
Be prepared! Join! Mark your calendar! 

The project will mark the ACF’s 30 years on helping children

5 October 2019 – 9 am-15 pm

We invite all AmCham member companies and individuals to take part in this event!
Spend a day with employees of AmCham member companies to create a pleasant environment for the children! Make a difference and volunteer one day while building a stronger employee team and working environment through a positive group activity outside the office environment.


  • Aprónép Alapítvány János Kórház Gyermekosztály (1025 Budapest, Baba utca 12.)
    Requested works: gardening, planting trees
  • Hűvösvölgyi Gyermekotthon, (Budapest, II. Hűvösvölgyi út 165)
    Requested works: planting trees, cleaning up of communal areas, gardening
  • Burattino Gyermekotthon, Budapest, 1213 Csepel Szőlős u. 5. and Pálma utca 42.) – Requested work: Planting trees, gardening

We kindly ask you to buy trees and support these children’s greener future!

The cost to plant a tree varies depending on the type of tree being planted and ranges between approximately 5.000 HUF to 10.000 HUF per tree.

Please transfer your donation to  AmCham Alapítvány:
account #: Citibank 10800007-80000001-00127016

To sign up for this opportunity, please send an email to with providing the following information (till 2 October, 2019):

Company’s/person’s name:

Contact Person:

Contact numbers: (phone, e-mail):

Name of volunteers:

Please indicate which location you have chosen: