On november 24, AmCham and the Budapest Marriott Hotel held their annual Thanksgiving Charity Dinner with some 300 participants benefitting the AmCham Foundation (ACF) and the SOS Children’s Villages.
More than HUF 3 million was raised through charity raffle sales, a succesful silent auction and a HUF 10 000 donation taken from each participation fee. The night was crowded by the live performance of ACF Ambassador Vera Tóth and the AISB students performing a song from “Mulan Jr.” the stage musical version of the 1998 Disney animated film: Mulan.
The ACF’s traditional Thanksgiving Charity Drive supports institutions working with underprivileged children. Would you learn more about them, please click HERE!
To every person and company who has shown their generosity to help the AmCham Foundation support children; we thank you very much. Your contribution has directly impacted the services we offer to children in Hungary!
Supporters of Summer and Thanksgiving Charity Drives, 2015:
Dow Hungary Chemicals
AmCham Hungary, Budapest Marriott Hotel, Burger King,
Citibank Europe plc Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Exxon BSC, IPark Pécs Kft., ManageMentor, Tata Consultancy
Supporters of the Thanksgiving Charity Dinner, 2015: