Thanks to our supporters we could help children in need in several ways last year, too.
What have we been doing over the last year?
More than 30 people participated in AmCham Foundation’s community day at the Kerepes Social Care Center this Saturday. Activities included collecting bottles and garbage into containers, fruit tree and vine pruning, reconstruction of the fence, fixing wire netting, weeding and planting of bean, onion, potato, squash, courgette, tomato and paprika plants.
AmCham Foundation would like to thank the volunteers: 15 people from American Express, Exxonmobil BSC and Medicover, and 20 people from the Kerepes Grammar School, students, their parents, teachers.
Quick support in case of unexpected natural disasters – for the victims of flood in the Danube region
In June the Foundation decided to launch an extraordinary tender to support the victims of the floods which was won by three children’s organization:
Nyitnikék Óvoda (Szigetmonostor),
Tahitótfalusi Óvodák, and
Dunabogdány Vízisport Egyesület.
Thanks to the generosity of the AmCham member companies, the donations collected will enable the complete reconstruction of these playgrounds and gardens.
The AmCham Foundation offered HUF 1,000,000 from its own resources. The Foundation wishes to thank those, listed below, who contributed to this collection: 3M Magyarország * CEZ Magyarország Kft. * Citibank Europe plc Magyarországi Fióktelepe * Guardian Magyarország Kft. * Faludi Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Iroda * INTERAG Holding Zrt. * TATA Consultancy Services Limited Hungary Branch.
Thanksgiving Charity Drive 2013
In September, the AmCham Foundation launched its annual Charity Drive with the announcement of a public tender in the Hungarian online media.The aim of 2013 year Charity Drive was “To Support Children’s Homes in Somogy County”. Based on the recommendation of expert volunteers (teachers, a colleague of an AmCham member company and social workers), the AmCham Foundation Board of Trustees selected: Borostyánvirág Foundation.
The Borostyánvirág Foundation has filed an application for the AmCham Foundation’s competition for Somogy county children’s institutions, in order to establish and renovate a 36m2 common room in their mothers’ home, where they will organize a thematic program series of 12 events for the children.
The project outlined for the contest can improve the situation of particularly disadvantaged children and their mothers, who lack any sort of supporting family. It could give them opportunity to improve on their personalities and their competencies. The thematic events can alleviate the monotony of everyday life, and help build a community. These may have a very positive effect on the future of those living at Borostyánvirág Anyaotthon. As it is written in the tender: “The project is meant to build a community and develop competencies.”
November 24, 2013 – AmCham Foundation’s Donation Ceremony was held with the participation of children from the mothers’ home, victims of the floods and families from member companiesat the Korda Filmstudio in Etyek on November 24. 2013.
The AmCham Foundation organized a Studio Tour for participants before the ceremony. The Korda Filmpark is the first movie-themed visitors center in Central-Eastern Europe. During the two-hour exhibition and studio tour, Filmpark guides have shown the visitors the history and tricks of filmmaking.The goal of the Studio Tour was to raise funds for the talented children of Somogy County.